Reprising Elements

Reprising Elements

Live audio-visual performance
VCUarts Qatar, Doha

Live Persian calligraphy: Arshia Sobhan
Sound art: Joshua Rodenberg
Generative AI calligraphy: Arshia Sobhan

Supported by the Innovative Media Labs at VCUarts Qatar, and the Metacreation Lab for Creative AI at Simon Fraser University.

"Reprising Elements" is an audio-visual performance that unites the art of Persian calligraphy, the innovation of generative AI, and the creativity of sound art. This performance is a co-creative exploration among three distinct agents: a calligrapher, a real-time generative AI system, and a sound artist, all interacting through intricate audio-visual feedback loops.

At the core of this performance lies a deep reverence for the traditional calligraphic ritual of "siyah mashq" in Persian calligraphy, a practice where calligraphers repetitively inscribe letters and combinations towards mastery, gradually turning the paper into a canvas of layered black script. "Reprising Elements" reimagines this ritual by introducing a generative AI system as a guiding force. This AI, trained on a vast array of master calligrapher samples, presents combinations and challenges the calligrapher to follow and replicate. The process is further enriched by the meticulous capture of the calligraphy's inherent sounds – the distinct screeching of the reed pen against paper. These sounds are recorded and transformed by the sound artist into an integral part of the performance, adding an auditory depth to the visual spectacle. Crucially, the generative AI system responds to these auditory inputs in real time, completing a feedback loop where each element – the calligrapher, the AI, and the sound artist – influences and reshapes the others' contributions. This interaction not only challenges but also expands the boundaries of traditional calligraphic art, integrating contemporary technology while staying true to the essence of the practice.

"Reprising Elements" is an artistic endeavour that celebrates the fusion of time-honoured techniques with modern advancements. It invites the audience to witness an interplay of art and technology, where the past and future converge, creating a space where tradition is both preserved and transformed.




Relearning Imagination